UI updates to event and organization hub, mobile enhancements
UI overhaul to event chat
Box formatting on non-event content pages
Images were hidden from 'my events' list over count 10. Bumped to 30.
Prices properly set when creating ticket bundle
Stripe connect refactoring, and unified dashboard
Community Hub visual updates
Underline added as allowed HTML markup
Enabled map link even if there is no Address 1 value, if map link explicitly specified
Updated view cart display
Updated display of ticket bundles that had more than one of the same ticket
Update to transaction detail view for purchases with add-ons
Community hub, chat with event managers added
Feed post on community hub, added "upload image"
Manage an event-private per-ticket note on the ticket holders page
From viewing your ticket, manage your answer to ticket-specific questions
From viewing your ticket, manage your ticket name/phone/email
Community hub engagement limited to ticket holders and event managers
Renaming "Groups" to "Organizations"
New pages on organization portal and navigation
Scan count added to summary of ticket sales
Able to view historical refund requests that have been dealt with
Time slot events now display date range on event cards
Group-specific profiles can now override full site profile in community hub features
Time slots with overridden names reflected on ticket emails and attached pdfs
Fixed link in group newsletters for events
Group pages can have background images and transparent main background colors
Fixed bug in deactivating a time slot
Community hub feed and messaging available for events that choose to use it
Light/dark mode setting for groups
Improved navigation for directory search pages
Upload image into feed post in community hub
Require/generate group slug on group create, or event create w create group
Deactivate ticket bundle
Set active dates for ticket bundle
Added additional social media links to a group profile
Public event contact info added to email receipt for better flow in answering questions
Group newsletter adjusted to show future event information options
Initial community hub page added
Edit ticket to allow show attendance
Subtitle display truncated at 80 chars on event card
Moved map link under address on event detail
Prevent purchase of time slot tickets on past days
Show muted color on calendar for time slots of past days
Added additional information to transaction detail
Flag on event to show approved attendee and attending member profile information
Attach profile image and display name to login
Group admin can disable a group profile
Flag on group to get emails on member flux or not
Added comments to group profiles, displaying and adding
Email to group admin on membership add or termination
Time slots must specify a max available ticket count
Group membership level can be set to auto renew, or not
Tool to better manage your Stripe connections. Super useful if you are an agent/promoter and also run one or more groups/events, or help with others
Renamed Dashboard Payouts --> Money/Payouts
Increased size of named time slot
Disable a single time slot
Link to list of relevant sales from promo code list
Scan/count added to manual web check-in flow
Updated user tickets to show timeslot better, and remove initial time slot from list of events that use them
Enforce quantity cap on time slot
Email on event details is now clickable
Emails trimmed in one missing spot prior to checking for existing account
Ticket levels default to having Discountable checked on add screen
Edit promo code, can now apply to all ticket types
If a time slot event is only over a single day, hide the calendar and display the time options automatically
On creating an event with time slots, max counts are shifted to the time slot level, not the event level. If you want to cap a given ticket type across ALL time slots, you still can, but it's manual
Group-level promo code email content updated
Emailed promo code body updated to reflect group discounts as well as event discounts
Updated event and group security functions in API
When a group adds a new event it attaches all group promoters and lets them know by email
Groups can now unlink a promoter
More links to request a refund
Updated security on refunding specific line items, rather than full order
Hide members-only event teasers from home page
Updated group header for additional link to manage group events, and to view public group page
Lock event details down to active group members
Updated web-based checkin interface for time-slotted events
Interface to reassign time slot tickets to a new time slot
Group subdomains now show group image on Facebook pages
Group follows now alphabetical, and excludes active members
Group promoter links now point to subdomain url
Email and phone number added to group membership transaction detail
Canceled events no longer showing on home page
Time slots now showing on list of ticket holders for time slotted events
Tickets disounted to zero cost result in zero service fees
Updated help from LiveChat to ZenDesk
URLs added to event text communications
Event names now have special characters removed
Updated calendar interface for time slot management
Updated formatting for events with multiple time slots, including new calendar
Ability to hide promo code prompt
Ability to override display value for time slot time
Option to not show event start time in event detail header on events with multiple start times
Launched new branding with light/dark modes
Events default to light mode detail and checkout flow, but can set light/dark/inherit
Updated server architecture
Display refund date, if applicable, on list of outstanding refund request items
Streamlined event cancellation queue processing
Streamlined transaction details for transactions that were comped
Updated group profiles to exclude ones that are disabled
Updated group page to circumvent group image cache after new image uploaded
Fixed issue where ticket level questions, if created then all marked inactive, were blocking user flow.
Improved presentation of ticket level questions where multiple tickets in a single order have to answer them
New report for groups to see their top customers by spend.
Event hosts can now only issue refunds if they have sufficient funds in Stripe to cover the refund. Hosts can load additional funds ('top ups' or 'add funds') into Stripe if they run into this.
Group Member listings now feature: Active, Expired, Invited, Follows
Updated Request Refund to include add-ons
Only one open refund request at a time is permitted for a single transaction
Enforcement of mandatory fields on ticket types was tightened up
Refund status added to transaction details
Removed link to transaction detail for received-transfers that don't have transactions
Added button to accept group follow/membership from dashboard
Added filter to ticket holder report
Fixed pagination dispay issue on ticket holders report
Updated phone number on privacy and cookies pages
Updated comp tickets email to display complimentary status
Disabled resend of membership renewal emails as resends are currently built for ticket transaction
Built report to show entire transfer history of transferred tickets
Added report to view complete ticket transfer history for an event
Changed event dashboard link for transfers to point to new report instead of pending transfers
Added event dashboard link to expire all pending purchases, if there are suspicious amounts, to be used in the case of a malicious attack
Capped ticket dropdown at 20, unless the ticket type overrides it
Enabled bundled tickets for groups
Added group application questions to group member detail
Streamlined free group membership flow
Auto approved group applicationw with application question/answers are now being tracked
Added links to Membership page if ticketing requires such
Fixed display issue when claiming last available ticket for a promo code