
Friday, July 5, 2024 9:00PM - July 6 5:00AM
Doors open at 8:00 PM

By The Land of Narrrnia • [email protected]

Donation Tier 1: The Peanut Gallery
Price: $30.00
Fees: $2.86, Total: $32.86

Donation Tier 2: Bar Galley
Price: $40.00
Fees: $3.38, Total: $43.38

Donation Tier 3: The Big Show!
Price: $50.00
Fees: $3.89, Total: $53.89


Event location will be included in your email

Phone: 720-675-9288

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“Nobody ever wins a fight.” – Road House

...Except, when you enter The Land of Narrrnia, everybody wins and a choreographed fight scene is the tough love embrace we all need to release our inner angsty NARRR!
For the NarrrHouse! experience, we’re taking the Radical Audio Visual Experience to to a Swayze-ing and stimulating night of comedic artistry and dedicated safety consciousness, that will result in a Battle Royale ready to roundhouse kick your Independence Day weekend into a true American dream.
This event will be unlike anything else we have ever attempted. We are asking you, the guests, to choose your level of participation and come help us create a piece of art. In true Road House style we plan to host our very own bar fight! Your highly regaled and award-winning N.I.P.S. (Narrrnia’s Illustrious Preparation Specialists) team is crafting a creation of epic proportions guaranteed to wrangle your primal needs and satisfy your summer with sensational stunts, hand-crafted props and sets, and a Road House inspired rumble that will galvanize the Denver Music Underground. Leading up to this event, we will transform Narrrnia into a rough and tumble saloon complete with a variety of props that allow us to create a coordinated altercation narrative set to a soundtrack brought to you by championed DJ’s perfectly selected to bring the fight to your dancing boots.
This is one event that you will want to plan to arrive at early. From 9 PM - 12 AM, the saloon will have table seating– Complete with bottle service– You know… like the kind you can throw at the DJ! In the spirit of choosing your own adventure, you can decide how close to the action you want to be and your level of participation in the performance floor.
DONATION TIER 1: Peanut Gallery - If you prefer to simply be a spectator and watch the mayhem ensue then it’s the Peanut Gallery for you. From the comfort of the cuddle puddle you can watch the performance as it unfolds. Come early for best seating selection.
DONATION TIER 2: Bar Galley - If you want to be a little more in the action, but not actually in harm's way check out the Bar Galley seating. Purchasers of these seats WILL have the opportunity to be in the video and have the option to purchase bottles to throw at the DJ’s.
DONATION TIER 3: The Big Show! - These seats will put you in the middle of the wildest bar left in the west. Each ticket purchased comes with 1 bottle specially prepared so you can throw it at the DJ! And our servers are happy to bring you more as desired. When the fight breaks out you will be in the tussle. All purchasers of these seats will receive additional instructions and brief choreography/safety training prior to the event.


There are LIMITED numbers of tickets for each tier as we are exclusively inviting our core Narrrnia supporters! This is a private event for y'all.

All tiers available NOW! at:

Costumes will be required for anyone who purchases a Tier 2 or Tier 3 donation. In these tiers, you will be required to sign a video/photography release form as you will be a part of the performance.
Shortly after midnight, when the performance ends, we will remove the tables and chairs so there is more room to dance and party the night away. Guests from all tiers will be free to move about the building once we clean up the mess.
DJ Lineup TBA very soon with some of the best artists born to bring the fireworks to the music through Breaks and Drum N Bass that will wrassle the dance floor together at a legendary Narrrnia experience.

The Land of Narrrnia is always 21+ and BYOB.

Special Notice: This event has been inspired by the great Patrick Swazye’s performance in the original Road House movie. We encourage everyone to watch that film and learn to be a Cooler. If you happen to come across the modern remake, don’t waste your time. That new movie somehow forgot what the original was actually about. At NarrrHouse! we’re going all out and doing everything from Sway-to-Ze in our power to provide you with an unforgettable immersive experience.